Enhanced Draconic Gold ($EDG)
Defi Empire Games' V2 Governance Token
Last updated
Defi Empire Games' V2 Governance Token
Last updated
There will be no presale for $EDG.
We will provide the BNB needed for the liquidity.
100% of the team's tokens will be locked.
100% of the liquidity will be locked.
Transfer Tax: 3%. (Using or withdrawing $EDG from games is excluded from this tax).
Buy Tax: 3%.
Sell Tax: 5% standard tax. (Standard tax gets added to the below sell taxes).
+ 15% if sold in the previous 8hrs (to avoid this tax, you need to wait at least 8hrs between each $EDG sell); to prevent bots/whales from continuously dumping small amounts.
+ 20% if selling tokens not acquired through one of our games. Example; Adventurers Guild. (Each time you claim $EDG from a game, you can sell that amount without paying this 20% tax); to encourage holders to use their $EDG instead of just trading it.
+ an additional tax that scales up with the amount of $EDG being sold compared to the amount of $EDG left in liquidity, up to 50%; to prevent huge dumps on $EDG. It follows the equation; percentage of liquidity divided by 2:
Selling 100% of liquidity gets an additional 50% tax.
Selling 50% of liquidity gets an additional 25% tax.
Selling 24% of liquidity gets an additional 12% tax.
Selling 10% of liquidity gets an additional 5% tax.
Selling 1% of liquidity gets an additional 0.5% tax.
All the BNB taxed goes back to liquidity, you can look at it as an instant buyback with 100% of the taxed amount.
0.5% of the taxed $EDG is burned; making $EDG deflationary. ($EDG becomes more scarce which makes it more valuable over time).
The rest of the taxed $EDG is sent to the tax address that will fund reward pools for future games/features.
In order to prevent bots from sniping our launch and dumping later, we will be lowering the taxes for a short period and set them back up again to 100% and repeat the process a few times before launch. Wallets who immediately snipe will be blacklisted and cannot transfer their token anymore. So make sure to not buy before we officially announce the launch, or you might get blacklisted as well!!!